April 7, 2009

Review: Faefever by Karen Marie Moning

Book One - Darkfever

Book Two - Bloodfever

In this 3rd installment of the Fever series MacKayla Lane is coming ever closer to finding the Sinsar Dubh. Just when it seems like the book is within her grasp it’s quickly lost again. Pledging to help both Jericho Barrons and the Seelie prince V’lane find the dark book, Mac has her own agenda in which she risks the ire of each one. In addition, Mac gets attacked by a group of sidhe-seers causing her to question who she can really trust. Using Barrons, V’lane, Inspector Jayne, Dani and even Rowena she figures out some important new facts in her quest for the book.

There’s really not much of a description that I could give that wouldn’t have spoilers in it so I’ll stick to the short paragraph above. This is definitely not a stand alone book even with the back-story Mac fills us in on. I’ve enjoyed going from thinking the first book was good but nothing special to ANXIOUSLY awaiting the next book. Mac’s control of her abilities is growing and the story is building nicely. There is a killer cliffhanger at the end of this book and Dreamfever is definitely going to be a release date purchase.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait for that next book! UGH! (lol)

Anysia (Booklorn on Twitter) said...

Haven't dropped by your blog in a while. I like the new theme. :-)

Ladytink_534 said...

Still not sure if I'm going to give this author a second chance and read this series...