Comedian Steve Harvey of the nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show shares with us his ideas on how a woman can catch and keep a man. He gives us a heads up (in case we didn’t already know this) that most men are out for one thing only. There are tips on how spot a mama’s boy, how to train your man and even answers the questions you’ve always wanted to ask a man but never did.
I enjoyed this book much more than I thought I would. A lot of woman who’ve read this book have been offended or turned off by his thoughts saying that he’s sexist. First of all he’s a comedian not a relation ship guru but second of all there’s a lot of truth to what he shares. If you start a relationship by letting the man run all over you that’s what he’ll do the whole time but if you put your foot down in the very beginning he’ll either shape up or ship out. And no one knows this better than Steve Harvey… his wife did it to him when they first got together.
Nothing I read was new to me but seeing it laid out like this by a man just kind of gives you a refreshing take on it. Harvey is direct at times but he’s always honest with humor thrown in. And the book is not just for single women in the dating world but for any woman in a relationship or not. I was reminded of a few things I could do to improve my own marriage and I recommend this to anyone who wants to understand men better.

I am sure this is a hoot! Steve Harvey is so funny! Nice, honest review!
I love Steve Harvey lol. Great review 8)
P.S. you have an award here:
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