Daniel X is a fifteen year old alien hunter. But he himself is an alien with the power to manipulate objects and influence minds. At three years old his parents where murdered in front of him by the powerful alien, The Prayer, who was in search of a secret list Daniel’s father was protecting.
The list contains the names of all the aliens on earth and now Daniel is hunting them down as his parents did before him. Though Daniel would like nothing more than to hunt down and annihilate The Prayer, he’s currently tracking down #6 on the list, Seth. From Earth to space Daniel will do whatever it takes to rid the universe of one mean alien.
Though much different from Patterson’s usual writing I enjoyed this one. It was definitely a young adult read and I kept that in mind while forming my opinion. I liked the way the story was just a build up for the series yet it still satisfied enough to make it worth the read. Although super intelligent with astonishing powers he’s still a typical teen and I enjoyed his adventure. I’m looking forward to the next book in the series and recommend this to anyone who loves young adult books, specifically science fiction.
very interesting, not sure if I'll read this one but you never know! I have so many books to work my way through as it is! LOL
I think this book is targeted to young boys and if it gets them to read, I'm all for it.
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Bingo from Bookin With Bingo
I am glad that I read your review as I have thought about reading this book and was undecided. It sounded SciFi like and I do love that genre but from what you wrote I am not sure I want to spend the money to buy it. Thanks for the review.
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