K-9 school dropout Chet and his owner Bernie make up the Little Detective Agency. Hired by Cynthia Chambliss, their next case is to find her teenage daughter, Madison.
When Madison shows up a few hours later it seems as if their job was done but suddenly Madison turns up missing again and this time she doesn’t return.
Chet and Bernie are on the job and the clues lead them from a high school drug dealer all the way to a group of Russians who have a tie to Madison’s father and his failing business. Throw in dog-napping, a reporter, bikers and a just-in-time save from doggy heaven and you have the beginnings of a great adventure.
I’m most definitely a cat person but found myself in love with Chet from the first chapter. The entire story is told from his point of view and even though he doesn’t understand things like insurance, divorce or the real meaning of the saying “crazy like a fox” he is able to help Bernie solve their cases.
The writing is faced paced and I found myself laughing, cringing and nail biting while I zoomed through the story with a pounding heart. This is the first book in the Chet and Bernie Mystery series and Chet sets up great cliff hangers. He hints at the real reason for his K-9 school dropout and a mysterious finding by his groomer and I can’t wait for the next book. You don’t have to be a dog lover for this one but it’s a must read for all animal and mystery lovers.

I'm a dog lover. I know some people have trouble enjoying a book told from an animal's perspective, but I don't. This one sounds like a winner.
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