If you've ever wondered what helped shape popular blogger, Jenny Lawson, into the woman she is today, wonder no more. The genius behind The Bloggess (like Mother Teresa only better) shares some her most memorable and pretty terrifying adventures as a shy awkward girl growing up in rural West Texas all the way through fifteen years being married to her unbelievably patient husband Victor.
Prior to reading Let’s Pretend This Never Happened I wasn't a follower of Jenny's blog but the cover of this book just said something to me. A mouse dressed as Hamlet complete with a miniature skull? Who could resist that. Every now and then I reflect back on growing up and wonder just how I came to be the woman I am today and now that I have a little insight into Jenny's upbringing this book makes perfect sense.
Jenny had to endure a father who ran taxidermy business (think Chuck Testa) who always felt the need to share his love of dead animals with his small girls. But not just the dead ones. I'm totally jealous that Jenny had a pet raccoon named Rambo that she got to dress in Jams, the popular 80's clothes.
From West Texas, to Houston to the Texas Hill country Jenny struggles through one crazy adventure after another. She shares story after story that would be hard to believe without the proof in the pictures sprinkled throughout the book. Now before I hunt down my own 5 foot tall rusted metal rooster I'm going to highly recommend this book for anyone who thinks they grew up with strange parents or anyone who loves a memoir full of laughs that will have you giggling, "oh no she didn't!"
I'm really looking forward to reading this.
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