My Review:
When a beautiful supermodel, Kim McDaniels, goes missing on a Hawaiian photo shoot, no one panics or calls the police. They assume she ran off on her own and will be back soon. Then her parents get a chilling call from a madman. He tells them he has Kim and they fly off to Hawaii to find her. What they find when they get there is a bunch of dead ends and no leads.
When LA Times reporter and writer Ben Hawkins contacts them with an offer of help they jump at the chance for the former police officer to assist them since no one in Hawaii seems to be taking them seriously.
Ben ends up on wild goose chase of his own that leads to a visit from the killer and a shocking proposal. The killer, Henri Benoit, would like to tell his life story through Ben in exchange for information on the killing of Kim and other recent disappearances. With the killer holding the threat of harming his girlfriend over his head Ben has no choice but to deal with the lunatic. But it doesn’t stop at the killer. There is a whole network of demented individuals pulling the strings that gets Ben caught up a whole world of trouble.
I think this may have been a much better book with a little more character development. There was a lot of action but I never felt empathy for Kim’s parents or Ben and his girlfriend. With Henri, I think that his back story wasn’t fully told. I was left with many questions at the end that I was hoping would have been resolved. Overall it was still a good thriller that I would recommend for suspense readers.

My Review:
While resting from his latest adventure in Bali with his girlfriend Moira, Jason Bourne is shot near the heart by his arch-enemy and fellow TreadStone graduate, Arkadin. Convinced he hit his target Arkadin flees leaving Jason for dead.
Fast forward 6 months and Moira is back in the states getting her new private military contractor business off the ground. As far as anyone knows Jason was killed in Bali but for the last 6 months he’s been recovering from his near death and is diligently trying to find out who was behind the assassination attempt.
At the same time a plane is shot down over Egypt and Jason’s former girlfriend Soraya Moore is part of the team investigating the attack. All the clues seem to point to Iran as the source of the attack and a potential war between the US and Iran seems imminent but all is not quite what it seems when dealing with greedy masterminds.
I’m a big fan of thrillers but I don’t usually search out these military types. However on road trips with my husband I’ve listened to several of the Jason Bourne books and I’ve seen all three of the Matt Damon Bourne movies and liked them all so when this one was up for consideration I picked it up for review but was a little disappointed.
Instead of being a straight Bourne action story there were several different plot lines with different characters through the whole book. They all come together in the end nicely but throughout most of the book I would have to stop and think, “Who was this guy again?” and to me having to stop and put the jumbled up characters in contexts puts a damper on my read. Overall I would recommend it to Bourne fans but I’d say pass if you haven’t read the rest of the series.

My Review:
Tara Boatwright dreaded the day the day her mother watched the numbers being pulled in the Georgia State lottery. Time after time Patsy would get belligerent after realizing her numbers weren’t called and Tara always tried to make herself scarce on Wednesday nights. Today however Tara had to go back home for her organic chemistry book and sure enough Patsy was swirling her drink in front of the TV with her lottery tickets laid out in front of her. But just when Tara thinks she got off easy Patsy starts yelling and this time it’s not in anger… it’s in shock. The Boatwrights just won 318 million dollars!
The next afternoon while passing through the town of Brunswick, Georgia, Shaw McBride over hears the story about the Boatwright’s good fortune and forms a plan with his partner in crime Romeo Zderko. Shaw plans to threaten the family into sharing the prize and uses Romeo to back up his threats.
For the next week the Boatwrights live in terror while waiting to collect their money but soon they actively pursue a way out. Will Shaw and Romeo discover their plans before it’s too late?
I loved Ravens. Its part thriller, part comedy and even part romance. The Boatwright family are a bunch of spineless knuckleheads but you can’t help love them all. Poor Romeo wants nothing more than to go home but he can’t find his own way out of Shaw’s greedy plan. Shaw on the other hand is genius. The cojones it takes to pull off a scheme so grand is pretty amazing and I just love the way the book ended. This is a recommended read for all fiction lovers.
at Reading With Monie http://shar.es/yzrg Please RT
Giveaway ends August 10th and winners have 48 hours to respond to the winning email or a new winner is selected. Open to residents of the US and Canada only. No PO Boxes please.

My favourite audiobook (so far) is The Broker by John Grisham.
Please enter my name for Ravens.
Thank you.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love to win Swimsuit by
James Patterson.
I am a follower. This would be my first audio book if I win.
cenya2 at hotmail dot com
One of my favorite audo books is Night Fall by Nelson DeMille.
I'd love to win Swimsuit by James Patterson.
clenna at aol dot com
My favorite audiobook is House on Mango Street. Hearing Sandra Cisneros read in that little girl voice, sends chills up my spine. She's just terrific.
I'd love to win Swimsuit by James Patterson. It's on my summer list of "To Read."
I have not listened to an audiobook before. Please enter me for Ravens.
One of my favorite audio books is Angels & Demons.
I'd love to win Swimsuit by James Patterson.
My favorite audiobook so far is probably the one I am listening to now-- The Scarecrow by Michael Connelly.
I would love a chance at Ravens.
Thank you!
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I tweeted:
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
I love listening to Audios, One of my favorites is Firefly Lane by Kristin Hannah. I would love to be included in your giveaway for Ravens.
I posted on Twitter.
I have never listened to an audiobook before, but I would love to! Please enter me for Ravens :)
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
My favorite audiobook is First Family by David Baldacci. I would like the Bourne Deception if I win. Thanks ybutler@oppcatv.com
I've only listened to one audiobook and I can't remember the name--it was a true crime book though!
I've love to win bourne deception.
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I just loved listening to the first to Twilight books on audio. We listened to these audio books on a road trip to and from Texas and it made the drive go by so fast.
I would most like to win the Ravens audio book -- I have read some really good reviews for this book!
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
Tweet: http://twitter.com/Nelsby/status/3086910681
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite audiobook series is the Swedish police inspector Kurt Wallender series, by Henning Mankell and read by Dick Hill. Excellent.
Please enter my name for Ravens. Thank you!
daily tweet
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
My favorite audiobook is Dead Aim.by Iris Johansen
I would like to win The Bourne Deception
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I'd love to win Swimsuit!
My favorite audio book so far has been HP and the Deathly Hallows.
Thank you!!
My favorite audiobooks, so far, have been Twilight by Stephenie Meyer and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
I would like to be entered for Ravens.
Thanks! :0)
librarygrinch at gmail dot com
Shawna Lewis
Shawna Lewis
I gotta go for Ravens!!!!
Shawna Lewis
I enjoyed Harry Potter on audiotape.
I listen to it on the way to work each day and Loved it.
Blair lewis
I liked the Bone Collector on Audiotape a nice stress let off from the day.
I think I would have to go with Raven I really want to read it.
My fave is Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking By Malcolm Gladwell.
I want to pick The Ravens as a winner.
daily tweet
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/Nelsby/status/3104256781
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/Nelsby/status/3124023104
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
daily tweet
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
Tweeted 8/4:
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
entered for bourne deception: tweeted today:
I would love to be entered for a copy of the Ravens as well.
I have never had an audio book, but have been thinking about getting one, as we have moved to the country and if I go back to work at my old place, I will have a commute of over an hour one way, so thought I could catch up on some "reading" this way!!!
daily tweet
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/Nelsby/status/3146592409
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
I recently listened to swimsuit by james patterson.
Enter me for Ravens please
Canadian Contests, Freebies, Coupons, Deals, Games and Chat - join us at CoolCanucks.ca
daily tweet
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
I love Audio Books and so it is hard to pick a favorite, but I would say The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath is my favorite. It was hard to get into, but it ended up being really good. I would love to win Ravens. Thanks for this giveaway and please count me in
nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com
daily tweet
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
Daily Tweet: http://twitter.com/Nelsby/status/3187178619
sierranelsby (at) gmail (dot) com
daily tweet
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
I would like to win The swimsuit by James Patterson please.
I like London Bridges (Alex Cross) by James Patterson I really enjoyed that.
I am following.
I have posted this on my face book I don't know the tweed thing.
luvhistoricalromance at gmail dot com
daily tweet
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
The Gate House by Nelson deMille was a treat. I'd love to win Swimsuit. Thanks!
skkmiller (at) live (dot) com
My favorite audiobook so far has been J is for Judgement by Sue Grafton. Judy Kaye is her reader, and I think she reads all of the alphabet murder mysteries. Scenes in this audiobook had me laughing out loud while working out with a Walkman (I had the cassette). I also have enjoyed a lot of the audiobooks by Robert J. Parker.
Thank you for the giveaway. Please enter me for Ravens.
I tweeted:
Again, I would love to win Ravens.
i picked bourne deception
tweet entry:
daily tweet
lavery328 at yahoo dot com
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