Forty years’ accumulation of art, antiques, and family photographs are more than just objects for Stanley Peke—they are proof of a life fully lived. A life he could have easily lost long ago.When a con man steals his houseful of possessions in a sophisticated moving-day scam, Peke wanders helplessly through his empty New England home, inevitably reminded of another helpless time: decades in Peke’s past, a cold and threadbare Stanislaw Shmuel Pecoskowitz eked out a desperate existence in the war-torn Polish countryside, subsisting on scraps and dodging Nazi soldiers. Now, the seventy-two-year-old Peke—who survived, came to America, and succeeded—must summon his original grit and determination to track down the thieves, retrieve his things, and restore the life he made for himself.Peke and his wife, Rose, trace the path of the thieves’ truck across America, to the wilds of Montana, and to an ultimate, chilling confrontation with not only the thieves but also with Peke’s brutal, unresolved past.
My Thoughts:
Based on how much I loved The Teller by Jonathan Stone I have to say that I was a bit disappointed by Moving Day. There was some suspense but I was expecting more thrills. Stone gave us plenty of intrigue at the beginning by sprinkling in little teasers about Peke's past but not enough to sustain any action.
When Peke goes on the hunt to get his belongings back it's just kind of a ho-hum adventure. I wanted so much more but really what can I expect from a 72 year old protagonist? The ending came through just a bit more but overall I was more disappointed than satisfied.
I do however have to give credit where it's due. The writing is very well done and flows nicely. The characters come alive on the pages but I just wish they did more.
My Recommendation:
I recommend this as a library read for when you want slower paced thrills.

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