February 22, 2015

Review: Influx by Daniel Suarez

Product Description:
Physicist Jon Grady and his team have discovered a device that can reflect gravity—a triumph that will revolutionize the field of physics and change the future. But instead of acclaim, Grady’s lab is locked down by a covert organization known as the Bureau of Technology Control.

The bureau’s mission: suppress the truth of sudden technological progress and prevent the social upheaval it would trigger. Because the future is already here. And it’s rewards are only for a select few.

When Grady refuses to join the BTC, he’s thrown into a nightmarish high-tech prison housing other doomed rebel intellects. Now, as the only hope to usher humanity out of its artificial dark age, Grady and his fellow prisoners must try to expose the secrets of an unimaginable enemy—one that wields a technological advantage half a century in the making.

My Thoughts:
Daemon and Freedom by Suarez were two of my favorite reads last year so I was looking forward to Influx and I wasn't disappointed. It was a great mix of futuristic technology, brilliant scientists and a secretive government agency. When the action finally starts (yes it was a little slow in the beginning) it's a wild ride to the end. So wild in fact that it gets a little over the top at the end with buildings flying off into space when hit by a gravity weapon. 

A lot of times sci-fi books are so plausible they even scare me a little but as much as I would like to imagine theres's all this amazing technology being secreted away the plot isn't at all realistic. As I usually do I set the unrealistic aspects aside and just try to enjoy the story within. That really what makes this one a recommended read.